

Why shop with us?

  1. Customer service – Our highly trained flooring specialists can advise you on making the best choice for your family and home
  2. Price Match Guarantee – You can be sure to get the best price. If you find the same price item at a lower price within 60 days, we will refund you the difference.
  3. Largest in-stock flooring inventory – We can store more than half a million square feet of flooring that you can take home today
  4. Quality reputation – Check out our outstanding customer reviews on Yelp! and Google
  5. Convenience – We are open 7 days a week and have everything you need to DIY (do-it-yourself) your floor and can provide instructions, videos, installation tools, and supplies
  6. 12 months no interest financing available
  7. Locally owned and operated for 30 years!